WTJU needs YOUR help to make a 10-week free concert series possible
Author: Lewis Reining
WTJU (with the Ix Art Park) has applied for a $25,000 grant to host a 10-week series of free outdoor concerts in 2015. And we need your help to make it happen!
The grant is through an organization called Levitt Pavilions, and grants are judged in two phases: 1) a public voting phase, then 2) the top 20 vote-getters are judged by Levitt staff. Funds will be awarded to 10 proposals.
To ensure that we’re in the top 20, we need your mouse-clicks.
Please go to http://amp.levittpavilions.org/events-page/ and vote for WTJU’s proposal: “WTJU Presents: Music for the People.”
You do have to register to vote (it’s free!), and a confirmation email will be sent with a link that enables you to activate their account.
And spread the word! We need as many votes as we can get.