WTJU – Coffee or soda?

Author: Ralph Graves

The best way to judge the value of something is to remove it. If you’ve ever had your car break down, or Internet access go out, or lose power in a storm, you know what I’m talking about. Things that are so integral to our daily lives that we don’t even notice them become extremely important when they’re gone, even momentarily.

So what would happen if WTJU went away? No, it’s not going anywhere (that I’m aware of) – this is just a thought experiment. What if you didn’t have classical music in the morning, or the Sunday night opera, or Ann Shafer’s “A Time for Singing,” or the early music show, or any of the other classical programs that we present?

Would it change your daily routine? It would sure affect mine (and I’m not just talking about being able to sleep a little later on Wednesdays).

And that’s really the question to ask yourself if you’re thinking about supporting WTJU financially. How much should you give is really a function what the station is worth to you and what you can afford.

Personally, I’d love to write a single check for $50,000 and give the operating budget a real shot in the arm. Realistically, I can’t do that — but for what the station gives me, I have to give something back.

Here’s another way to think about it. When it comes to beverages, coffee’s worth more to me than soda. I don’t drink a lot of sodas, so if they were taken away, I wouldn’t miss them, nor pay to replace them.

Coffee, on the other hand, is part of my morning ritual, as well as a default dessert option, and a mid-day pick-me-up (sometimes). So if coffee went away, I would really miss it (even without the resulting caffeine headaches). And I’d probably pay a premium price to get coffee back into the house if that was the only option.

So is WTJU the soda in your life, or the coffee? And what is that continued presence worth to you?

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