The Wonderful Warwick Symphony Orchestra

By Ralph Graves

A new series comes to — Analog Masters. Hosted by Tom Godel, this weekly program explores recordings made in the pre-digital era. You’ll hear classic and rare tracks from vintage 78s, 45s, and early LPs. And there will be some surprises along the way.

The series premieres on Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 9:00 am.

In the first episode, Tom features the music of the Warwick Symphony Orchestra. Arguably the best orchestra in the world at the time — and totally unknown today. You’ll find out why, and hear some extraordinary performances.

Analog Masters
Wednesdays at 9:00 am and 4:00 pm
exclusively on

Featured recordings:

Russian Easter Overture
Leopold Stokowski
Philadelphia Orchestra
Camden CAL-1631953
Leopold Stokowski
Philadelphia Orchestra
Camden CAL-1401953
Rosamunde Ballet
Leopold Stokowski
Philadelphia Orchestra
Camden CAL-1431953
Weber: Invitation to the DanceLeopold Stokowski
Philadelphia Orchestra
Camden CAL-1231953

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