Stephen Nachmanovitch Visits Offstage, On-Air


Date: 12/22/2024

Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

This Sunday Offstage, On-Air talks to musician, author, artist, and educator, Stephen Nachmanovitch

Stephen Nachmanovitch performs and teaches internationally as an improvisational violinist, and at the intersections of music, dance, theater and multimedia arts. He is the author of two books on the creative process, The Art of Is and Free Play. He has taught widely on creativity and the spiritual underpinnings of art, and has had numerous appearances on media, and at music and theater festivals.  

Listen to Offstage, On-Air every Sunday in on 91.1FM or stream at You can also listen to the rebroadcast the following Tuesday at 9 p.m. and Friday at 1 p.m. on

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