Sandy Goodson’s Final Program
Author: Folk Department
After nearly two decades of hosting shows on WTJU, Sandy Goodson will be doing her final regular show on Monday, December 29, from 4-6 pm (est) during Back Up and Push; a program she has co-hosted with Annette Kastner since its inception in 2012.
Sandy has done many folk and world programs over the years, including Atlantic Weekly, the Eclectic Woman Show, and Kid n’ Kaboodle (a children’s show which preceded Tell Us A Tale in the 1990s). A talented musician as well, Sandy also performed on a few programs, most recently as part of the Blue Ridge Irish Music School Traditional Ensemble.
While Sandy won’t be doing any regular hosting, fingers crossed that she will return to guest host on occasion. We hope you will join us in tuning in Monday afternoon, December 29, from 4-6 (est) for her final Back Up and Push. And should you wish to call and wish her a fond farewell and thanks for all her years of dedication to WTJU, the studio line is 434-924-3959.