Prokofiev as Pianist
By Ralph Graves
This coming Wednesday, Jan. 29, Analog Masters presents a little-known facet of a well-known composer. Serge Prokofiev was one of the most outstanding pianists of his era. But he made very few recordings.
At 9:00 am on Charlottesville Classical, host Tom Godell will sample several of Prokofiev’s best recordings. He’ll also be talking with Harlow Robinson, author of Sergei Prokofiev: A Biography.
Analog Masters
Wednesdays at 9:00 am and 4:00 pm
exclusively on CharlottesvilleClassical.org
Featured recordings:
Glazunov: Gavotte — Sergei Prokofiev
Everest X-907 (1965)
Prokofiev: Five Pieces, Op. 12 — Sergei Prokofiev
Everest X-907 (1965)
Prokofiev: Suggestion Diabolique — Sergei Prokofiev
Naxos 8.110670 (1935)
Prokoviev: Tales on an Old Grandmother — Sergei Prokofiev
Naxos 9.110670 (1935)
Prokofiev: Piano Sonata No. 4 (andante) — Sergei Prokofiev
Naxos 8.110670 (1935)
Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No. 3 — Sergei Prokofiev/London Symphony/Piero Coppola
Naxos 8.110560 (1934)