New Schedule is Live
Author: Lewis Reining
A new year means new beginnings and, at WTJU, that means an updated schedule to better reflect what you listen to.
The biggest change is that Soundboard has moved to the web. You’re still able to hear all the great interviews and conversations you enjoy but now you’re able to enjoy them in a way that better fits your schedule. All of the interviews we do are available on our website and we’re air teasers on-air throughout the day. This does means that you’ll have to catch With Good Reason and Backstory online instead of on the air.
So what else has changed?
Shortlist: morning Jazz 9am – 12pm, Folk 4pm – 7pm, evening Jazz from 9pm – 11pm, and Fridays remain unchanged.
You can view or download a pdf of the schedule here: WTJU 2016 Spring Schedule