Deborah Murray’s finale on Classical Sunrise
This Sunday, please remember to tune in to Classical Sunrise, 6-9 am, here on WTJU-Charlottesville.
After 15 years, Deborah Murray is bowing out as host of the program, and this will be her last show.
Deborah has been an outstanding station volunteer, not only hosting a program, but also serving as Classical Department Director. She has overseen the classical programming on WTJU, and helped guide it through difficult times. She’s also organized the classical department’s fund-raising marathons and has been personally responsible for bringing in generous contributions from her listeners.
Most important, though, is that Deborah has carefully and thoughtfully chosen every work she’s aired over the last decade and a half. That care and attention to detail has made “Classical Sunrise” part of many listeners’ Sunday morning routine.
We know she has a special show planned in appreciation of all of you who have enjoyed joining Deborah on Sunday mornings.
We hope you’ll tune in. And please call in to wish her well!