Check out the relaunch of “Circle of Willis” science podcast

After a two-year hiatus, WTJU is excited to relaunch Circle of Willis, a podcast that shares human stories of the science that shapes our world. Through conversations with fellow researchers and thinkers, UVA neuroscientist and host Jim Coan demystifies the science that surrounds us, while uncovering the greater implications of each discovery.

The show relaunched this week with a conversation between host Jim Coan and Drs. John and Julie Gottman. Through their extensive research, observation of couples, and their own relationship experiences, the Gottmans discuss the importance of communication and the acceptance of conflict in a strong relationship. Their basic tenets are easily understood but sometimes a challenge to adopt in practice.

Circle of Willis is produced at WTJU by Sage Tanguay through a unique partnership with UVA’s Brown Residential College. Brown residents serve as assistant producers, trained and coordinated by Tanguay (who was herself a resident at Brown from 2012-2016).

“Students should learn how to tell stories. If they eventually enter a media related field or just need to share their own stories, it’s an important skill to have,” says Tanguay. “There’s so much information and knowledge created at Universities, but often it’s not disseminated out to a larger public. As students from various backgrounds learn how to better communicate, the more that knowledge from UVA and other Universities can spread out and do good in society.”

Circle of Willis is available in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and several other podcasting platforms. More information, latest episodes, and links to subscribe are online at


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