24 Hour Radio Race: Heart Moms & Tummy Moms
By Lewis Reining
Members of WTJU’s public affairs team Soundboard got together from August 2-3 to participate in a 24 hour radio extravaganza. With over 170 other stations worldwide, they battled the clock to create a 4 minute non-fiction audio piece on the theme of “You should know.” This is the result:
Story Introduction and Audio
As a kid, when your parents say, “there’s something you should know”, you flinch and prepare yourself for a talk about the birds and the bees. But the last thing you’d expect to hear is that your parents aren’t the ones who gave birth to you.
Music by:
Lena Selyanina www.jamendo.com/en/artist/350097/lena-selyanina
Alex Tiuniaev www.jamendo.com/en/artist/430105/alex-tiuniaev
Morwena Lasko and Jay Pun http://www.mojamusic.net/
Sound Effects by:
Gopalkoduri www.freesound.org/people/gopalkodu…i/sounds/195097/
Dobroide www.freesound.org/people/dobroide/sounds/48397/
For those who want to hear more, the team also included a 30 minute roundtable discussion of adoption.