2024 Jazz Marathon Promos
The on-air promos for the 2024 WTJU Jazz Marathon are here! The big fundraiser starts Sept 30 and runs through Oct 6.
Before every marathon, the mighty WTJU Promo Art Players, led by Radio Wowsville’s Don Harrison, Jazz Messenger’s Brian Keena, and Foggy Notion’s DJ Zostress, retreat to a secret sound lab to conjure up fantastical and funny public service announcements to promote the station’s week of special programming.
Sound engineering wizard, Lewis Reining, in addition to being a voice in the mix, produces the promos, adding in sound effects and music, making sure the volume is balanced, delivering incredible finished products!
The 2024 Jazz voice actors are: Stevik, Annie di Blanco, DJ Geezer, Sister Pirate Jenny, Poubelle, DJ Nowhere Girl, Ciclamino, The Jazz Messenger, Don H, Lewis R, and DJ Zostress.
Be sure to donate to support WTJU Jazz!